NDP IV National Planning Conference
Minister of State for Planning, Amos Lugoloobi officiated at the National Development Plan number four (NDPIV) National Planning Conference organised by National Planning Authority at the Office of the President Auditorium.
Lugoloobi said the NDPIV should be ready by September 2024 to inform the country's macroeconomic framework and budgeting processes for FY 2025/26. The NDP III expires in June 2025.
The NDPIV is the fourth out of the six National Development Plans that are meant to implement Uganda Vision 2040.It is also the last plan to deliver the global agenda 2030 of the sustainable development goals and the first within the implementation of government’s strategy for achieving 10-fold growth.
The goal of NDPIV is "to achieve higher household incomes and employment for sustainable socio-economic transformation." It is premised on the theme: Sustainable industrialization for inclusive growth, employment and wealth creation."
The Minister said NDPIV strategic direction was approved by Cabinet in March 2024 and is in line with the strategy of growing the economy ten-fold from the current USD 50 billion as of FY 2023/24 to USD 500 billion in the next 15 years in a transformative, inclusive and sustainable manner.