Presentation of The Fourth National Development Plan (NDPIV) to The Parliamentary Committee on Budget
The State Minister of Finance for Planning Hon, Amos Lugoloobi, Hon, Henry Musasizi, Minister of State for General Duties, technical officers at the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and National planning Authority team together with the key government stakeholders from the sectors that constitute key drivers of the NDPIV appeared before the parliamentary committee on budget for the detailed presentation of the fourth National development plan.
Hon, Amos Lugoloobi said that Article 125 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda establishes the National Planning Authority with a mandate to produce a comprehensive and integrated National Development Plans as highlighted by the National Planning Authority Act CAP 202, and the National Planning Authority (Development Plans) Regulations (2018).
The Act requires the National Development Plan to be submitted to Parliament for approval. And the Public Finance Management Act (2015) also requires the budget framework paper (BFP) to be consistent with the National Development Plan for approved by this August House.
Honorable colleagues, the implementation of the third National Development Plan (NDPIII) elapses at the end of this Financial Year (FY2024/25). The National Planning Authority together with my Ministry have prepared the Fourth National Development Plan (NDPIV; FY2025/26-FY2029/30), with the attendant National Human Resource Development Plan (NHRDP) together with the implementation action plan for approval by parliament.
This Fourth National Development Plan (NDPIV) was informed by the NDPIII Mid-term review assessment that provided lessons, the Uganda Vision 2040 and the Government Strategy to grow the Economy 10-fold in the next 15 years, Several experts, Programme Working Groups, (SDGs, Africa Agenda 2063, EAC Vision 2050, Africa Continental Free Trade Area, Non-State Actors, local governments, and regional and international development frameworks in put. As well as consultations, recommendations from the honorable members of this August House on 3rd and 4th December 2024, at Parliament premises.

The Fourth National Development Plan (NDPIV) is benchmarked on the key achievements, challenges, and lessons learnt in the implementation of the NDPIII, the goal and theme of NDPIV is to (Achieve higher household incomes, full monetization of the economy and employment for sustainable socio-economic transformation). This goal is to be achieved under the theme of (Sustainable Industrialization for Inclusive Growth, Employment, and Wealth Creation).
This shall be delivered through the five strategic objectives as follows:
- Sustainably increase production, productivity and value addition in agriculture, industry, minerals, oil & gas, tourism, ICT and financial services,
- Enhance human capital development along the entire life cycle,
- Support the private sector to drive growth and create jobs,
- Build and maintain strategic sustainable infrastructure in transport, housing, energy, water, industry and ICT; and
- Strengthen good governance, security, and the role of the State in development.
The plan (NDPIV) is expected to double Uganda’s Gross Domestic Product in the next five years towards the attainment of the 10-fold growth in the next 15 years. By the end of the plan, GDP will grow by 10.1 percent in FY 2029/30 from the current 6.6 percent in FY 2024/25.
This corresponds to an equivalent of GDP of USD 158 Billion in FY2029/30 from USD 53.2 Billion in FY 2023/24; and improvement in the income per capita to USD 2,008 from USD 1,146 within the same period. Average monthly nominal household income is also expected to increase to Shs. 578,635 from Shs. 202,131.1. The proportion of households in subsistence is also expected to reduce further to 31 percent of households, with a corresponding increase in formal financial inclusion up to 100%.
The overall cost of the Plan over the 5-year period is estimated at Shs 593,646 billion, of which Shs 413,206 billion (69.6%) is contribution by the Public while Shs 180,439 billion (30.4%) is private sector contribution. This means that 69.6% of the total resources expected to finance the NDPIV will be from Government of Uganda (GoU) consolidated budget while 30.4% is expected from the private sector.
Hon. Chair and Honorable Colleagues we’ve submitted the Fourth National Development Plan (NDPIV 2025/26 – 2029/30) for your consideration and approval by this August House.