Strategic Goal: Sustainably lower the costs of doing business
Objectives: -
- Increase access to affordable credit largely targeting MSMEs
- Increase access to long-term finance
- Mobilize alternative financing sources to finance private investment
Strategies: -
- Increase access to affordable credit largely targeting MSMEs
- Credit guarantee scheme in place
- Improve farmers’ access to affordable credit
- Lower operating costs of Financial Services Provider
- Improve data availability on the private sector; and Improve Dialogue between the private sector and government
- Adopt appropriate measures to de- risk private sector lending particularly to the key growth opportunities
- Increase access to long-term finance
- Develop a Development Finance Institutions
- Expand the pension and insurance coverage to increase formal sector savings
- Deepen and widen the Capital markets
- Reinforce the AML/CFT framework
- Strengthen business development service centers
- Harmonized legal and regulatory frameworks